"The innovative potential for the development of legal science and practice in the modern world"
Requirements for the articles
The paper – up to 4 full A4 pages.
The scientific article should include the following elements: UDC index (font size 12 pt., capital letters, alignment on the left edge), initials and a surname of the author (authors) of the article (font size 14 pt., lower case, alignment on the center), the name (font size 14 pt., capital, alignment on the center), the summary in Russian (12 pt.) of up to 5 sentences, introduction, the main part, the conclusion with accurately formulated conclusions (14 pt.), the list of the quoted sources (14 pt.), the summary in English of up to 5 sentences (12 pt.).
The list of quoted sources is located at the end of the text of the article. Links to the sources used are numbered according to the order of citation and are given in square brackets, for example: [1, p. 32], [2, p. 52–53].
Page setup: page size A4, the indentation from the left margin – 30 mm, right, top and bottom – 20 mm. Pagination is not performed. All text is typed in «Times New Roman». Line spacing – 1,0. Indention – 1 cm. Tabs, automatic bulleted lists should not be used in the text.
Materials that do not correspond to the scientific directions of the conference, requirements for registration, exceeding the allowable volume, sent later than the specified deadline, as well as those with incomplete information in the application are not considered and are not sent back.
The organizing committee reserves the right of selection of the presented materials for inclusion in the program of a conference with their subsequent editing.
By sending the article to the organizing committee, the author agrees to place it in the RSCI database on the electronic scientific library platform elibrary.ru.
Example of article design
UDC 340.1
- A. Alexandrov
Рассматриваются проблемы…. (Abstract in Russian)
One of the most important areas of state action is the law-making. Two aspects are designed in its understanding today…
List of sources
1. About normative legal acts of the Republic of Belarus [Electronic resource]: Law Rep. Belarus, June 17, 2018, № 130-Z // ETALON. Legislation Of The Republic Of Belarus / Nат. legal information center. Resp. Belarus. – Minsk, 2020.
Aspects of … (Summary in English)