VII Международная научно-практическая конференция
«Зоологические чтения – 2023»
Forms of participation in the conference
- Report at the plenary meeting – up to 30 minutes
- Report at a section – up to 15 minutes
- Distance involved
Working languages: Belarusian, Russian, Polish, English.
Main topics for discussion
- Sustainable use and protection of flora.
- Sustainable use and protection of fauna.
- Ecological biochemistry, physiology and medicine.
- Sustainable use of water resources and wastewater treatment.
- Sustainable use of soil resources and atmospheric resources.
- Disposal and recycling of solid waste.
- Ecological education for sustainable development.
Presentation of materials and applications
To participate in the conference it is necessary to fill in an electronic registration form on the conference website ( until May 31, 2016 (deadline) andjoin the electronic version of a scientific article (file name - the author's name in Latin letters indicating hyphenated number of section: (IvanovAN-3) and a copy of the receipt on payment of an organizational fee.
The responsibility for the materials submitted to the conference is carried by the authors.
The reports which do not meet the formal requirements, or not adequate to the scientific level of the conference and sent after the deadline are not to be admitted and are not sent back to the authors.
The conference program will be posted on the conference website until September 20, 2016.
By the beginning of the conference is planned to publish a collection of materials.
Competition among the young authors for the best scientific work will be carried out in each section, the winners will be awarded with diplomas.