Yuliya Skuratovich, «Elementary mathematical representations»

UDC 373.2.015.31:78+373.2.016:51

Yuliya Skuratovich,

MasterBelarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank, Minsk

Opportunities for the development of musical perception in children from 2 to 3 years old in the framework of classes in the educational field

«Elementary mathematical representations»


Early age is sensitive for the development of musical perception, which implies the ability to perceive and comprehend the means of musical expression, express emotional responsiveness to music, determine the genre of music, perceive its character. The curriculum of preschool education (2022) highlights the areas of development of pupils, which are implemented through the content of educational areas. One of the educational areas is «Elementary Mathematical representations» [1].

Music is closely related to mathematics, so its use in classes in the educational field of «Elementary mathematical representations» is advisable. Music is mathematical, and mathematics is musical. There is no such area of music where numbers would not be the final way to describe what is happening: there are a certain number of steps in the frets, which are characterized by certain dependencies and proportional relationships; rhythm divides time into units and establishes numerical connections between them; the musical form is based on the idea of similarity and difference, identity and contrast, which go back to the concepts of set, symmetry and form quasi-geometric musical concepts [3]. American scientists Martin J. Bergey and Kevin M. Weingarten proved in their research that success in music and mathematics are interrelated, although at first they assumed that they would prove the opposite. Interestingly, among music lovers, there are many scientists in mathematics, physics [2].

The use of music contributes to the formation of elementary mathematical representations: develops the ability to determine the size of objects (large, small), their height (high, low), quantitative characteristics of objects (one and many), contributes to the formation of knowledge about geometric shapes and shapes of objects, the spatial arrangement of objects, elementary temporal representations. This is due to the synthesis of the emotional and intellectual components of the psyche.

To conduct classes in the educational field of «Elementary mathematical representations» with musical accompaniment, it is recommended to put various readings to music, use music libraries that include mathematical knowledge in their content.

The most difficult thing for young children is the perception of time. In the work aimed at forming elementary ideas about the parts of the day, the seasons, it is possible to use fragments from such musical works as P. M. Tchaikovsky’s piano cycle «Seasons», a cycle of four violin concertos by A. L. Vivaldi «Seasons», works by S. M. Maykapar «Spring», «Autumn», etc.

We have developed a lesson summary that solves the problems of forming elementary mathematical representations and contributes to the development of individual indicators of musical perception. In the introductory part of the lesson there is a surprise moment (the appearance of a character). The main part of the lesson includes practical, independent activity of pupils. The final part contains reflexive questions, summing up. The lesson summary is presented below.

Summary of the lesson «Bunny visiting the guys»


  1. To form the ability to determine the quantitative characteristics of objects of the surrounding world (one and many), to designate the number of objects with the words «one» and «many», ideas about the standards of forms (circle), genre of music (song, dance), loud sound.
  2. Develop the ability to group objects by one attribute (color), identify musical images (toy), attentiveness and concentration when listening to music.
  3. To foster activity in the classroom, interest in musical activity (in particular, listening to music, rhythmic activity).

Materials: musical works in audio recordings, a rabbit toy, toys-balls and boxes of red, blue, yellow colors, a colorful package.

The course of the lesson

  1. Introductory part.

An imitation of a «Knock on the door» sounds.

Educator: Do you guys hear that? Someone is knocking on our door! I’ll see who it is.

The teacher, to the sound of a fragment of the musical work «Bunny» (white. nar. chalk.), takes out a toy hare from behind the door and conducts a dialogue with the children on his behalf.

Educator: Kids, who is this?

Children’s answers.

Educator: Yes, it’s a Hare!

Hare: Hello, kids! You are so beautiful! I want to say hello and hug everyone.

A hare approaches each child, greets and hugs to the sound of a fragment of the musical work «Bunny» (white. nar. chalk.).

Hare: How glad I am to see you!

  1. The main part.

Hare: Guys, I came to you with gifts. In order to find out what they are, you listen carefully to the music. It will sound loud, loud. Then I’ll ask you what was sung in the song.

Listening to a fragment of the musical work «The Ball» (music by A. Oleinikova, sl. E. Kudryashova).

Hare: What did we listen to the song about?

Children’s answers.

Hare: The song was about balls. So I brought you a lot of toy balls. I’m going to get them out of my magic bag.

The hare is trying to get a lot of balls, but it turned out to take only one.

Hare: Guys, my package is tied in a knot. How many balls did I take? What shape is it?

Children’s answers.

Hare: Yes, it turned out to get only one round-shaped ball. Now I’ll try to untie the knot.

The hare unties the package.

Hare: It worked! Kids, how many balls do we have now?

Children’s answers.

Hare: Lots of balls! Look, they are multicolored: red, blue, yellow. We’ll play with them, but first we’ll put them in boxes. See how we will do it. We put a red ball in a red box, a blue ball in a blue box, a green ball in a green box.

The hare shows boxes of red, blue, yellow colors. Then he takes the balls of these colors and puts them in the appropriate boxes.

Children group balls by color. At this time, a fragment of the musical work «The Ball» (music by G. Frida) sounds.

Hare: Well done! All the balls are in their places! Now let’s play with balls!

Physical education minute

The musical piece «The ball has jumped to the children» (music and sl. M. Melnik) sounds.

Table 1. – The text of the musical work and movements


The text of the musical work Movements
The ball bounced to the children,

He’s a daredevil, even though he’s small.

He calls the guys to play –

To jump with him like balls.

And our ball can also

And spin, dance.

Our children can too

Perform turns.

The ball is small, tired,

He hadn’t slept for a long time.

Children put the ball on the floor and «stroke» it
Help the baby,

I’ll put the ball to sleep.



Hare: Great game! Guys, I have to leave for now. Goodbye!

Children’s answers.

The teacher takes the rabbit toy out the door.

  1. The final part.

Educator: Did you guys like our lesson? Who came to visit us today? What did we do with you today?

Children’s answers.

Educator: Well done, kids! Everyone was diligent, they performed tasks well!

Thus, it is recommended to use music in classes in the educational field «Elementary mathematical representations». This will contribute to the effective development of mathematical concepts, musical perception in children from 2 to 3 years old and significantly diversify the course of classes.


Bibliographic list

  1. Учебная программа дошкольного образованиядля учреждений дошкольного образования с русским языком обучения и воспитания [Электронный ресурс] // Национальный правовой Интернет-портал Республики Беларусь. – Режим доступа: https://adu.by/images/2022/08/up-doshk-obrazov-rus-bel.pdf – Дата доступа: 13.03.2023.
  2. Спиридонова, Н.Ф. К вопросу о взаимосвязи музыки и математики / Н. Ф. Спиридонова // Пед. опыт: теория, методика, практика. – 2015. – Т. 1, №  – С. 90–92.
  3. Сытник, Н. А. Интеграция музыки и математики в формировании элементарных математических представлений у дошкольников / Н. А. Сытник // Образование и наука в современных реалиях : сб. материалов VI Междунар. науч.-практ. конф., Чебоксары, 26 сент. 2018 г. / Чуваш. гос. ун-т ; редкол.: О. Н. Широков [и др.]. – Чебоксары, 2018. – С. 84–86.
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